Sunday, January 23, 2011

Who am I?

(Warning long post ahead :-) )

I am a conscious observer, an active creator and an expression of God's presence and yet unseen by anyone. If I choose, awaken and discover this and learn to hold onto it beyond the brief moments of inspiration when it is so very clear then we have learned all of the things that we require.

I have a mind. It is the genesis of thought. It is the recorder of my current physical history, my memory. It contains my EGO. Filled with Judgements, Principles, Desires, Pride a need to please others, a want to do everything with perfection and in the best way.  It is not me.  It is filled with others thoughts that have become mine, others judgements of self and others, right and wrong that have become mine.  And overtime these are the things that have been saved to my mind and played back in an unending loop of thoughts and filled my mind with unconscious thought activity.  I am now learning to watch it, to guide it to a more fruitful function.

I have a heart. It is the place where I can find who I really am... and the key organ that keeps my body alive. It generates feelings that tell me what is me, what strengthens me. It generates feelings that give me the skills and information to learn who I truly am! It gives me feelings that indicate for me how I'm thinking.... if I am aware of that connection. Feelings allow us to connect to express who I am, to give life to connect with others to have empathy to care to be connected to express our true self... feel! Our heart an be the expression of the ego. In any event, it reflects what is happening in my min by the feelings it holds. I am learning to listen and hear it. My heart is not me!

I have a body. It provides me a physical space to reside in while I am here on earth. It has five senses that I use to experience the world. Sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste.  All of which give me information about what is happening outside of my body, to my body or what my body is doing. It allows me to express my self and ideas and thoughts in this world by allowing others to hear my thoughts, see how I feel, enabling me to take action in the world, to build physical things that others might experience, to communicate and share idea's. And yet it is not ME!  I am learning to appreciate and pay attention to it.

I have a purpose in this lifetime bigger than the limited me I've lived with for so long or thought I was for so long. The me of my internal world that is being reformed, rediscovered, excavated, expressed, drawn, shined up.  I am learning to discover it, to have faith in it, and to express it.

I AM, THAT I AM not the one I thought I was...


  1. Beautiful post, Deborah, thank you for sharing your inner journey.


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