Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Can We Make the World A Million Times Better?

My son today sent me via email today a Note of Appreciation that I just had to share for it's beauty and something I will cherish forever. Find it here> Shaan's Note of Appreciation.

His note was inspired by a project called The Note Project at http://noteproject.com created by Mike O'Mary.

Mike O'Mary (pictured left) believes every one of us has the power to change someone's life. A note from his little sister changed his life forever.

The Note Project is a global movement to make the world a million times better by inspiring 1 million people to write a note of appreciation to someone who made a difference in their lives. It is free to join AND because Mike is so passionate about writing notes of appreciation, a portion of all proceeds from the sale of his book The Note on The Note Project website goes to charities that support literacy projects around the world.

Mike's vision for how The Note Project will change the world is pretty inspiring. He says, "Everyone has the power to make the world a million times better. And it's so simple. Just think of all the people who have made a difference in your life, whether friends, family members, neighbors, teachers, employers, co-workers, old classmates. Think of the good times you had together or the nice things they did for you…Maybe they cheered you up when you were sad or made you feel special when you were questioning your self-worth…Whatever it was, a simple note of appreciation from you could make their day, their week, and maybe even their whole year!"

One day, Mike woke up and thought, "If one simple hand-written note can change my life so profoundly, what if I could inspire one million people to write a note of appreciation? It could make the world a million times better."

And that, in a nutshell, is the essence of Mike's latest creation: The Note Project at http://noteproject.com

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