Thursday, March 24, 2011

Celebrating ARTbundance Coach Training!

Yay!  I've just completed my first practice session for ARTbundance Coach Training!  Just one more practice coaching session and I will be certified!  In thanks for participating as a coach, all of the trainee's prepared a virtual gift basket that contained many lovely free gifts.  I also included a note for some additional digital assets called Asia Reflections - Temple Papers.

During a visit to a temple, I was instructed by the buddhist monk to write my prayers on the paper and then to burn the papers to send my prayers in to the heavens.  I thought they would be great to use for art projects.  If you like, sign up below and I will send you the 6 digitized papers ready to incorporate into your project!

Sign Up! Free Asia Ephemera for your digital art - Temple Papers!
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